Table Tennis

Playing Singles

1. Basic Terms

2. Good Serve

3. Good Return

4. "Let"

5. Score a Point

6. Win the Game

7. Win the Match

8. Serving Particulars

Going the Extra Mile

My Printable Rules

Official USATT Rules

Official ITTF Rules

Lesson 8: Serving Particulars

  1. Read through the lesson below as many times as you need
  2. When you are ready, click here to take Quiz 8

Serving Particulars

You have already learned the skill of hwo to serve. Here, you will learn about the rules governing the serve. This includes things like: Who serves first? When do you switch who is serving? Etc.

1. At the beginning of a match there are 2 choices to be made

a. Who serves first?
b. Which end of the table will you play on?

2. Use some sort of “lot” to decide who gets first choice, like flipping a coin
3. The winner gets to make one of the choices, the loser makes the remaining choice
4. Every two or five points scored, you switch who is serving (this is decided before starting)
5. If the score is tied at 10 points (in a game to 11), or 20 points (in a game to 21), then you switch servers every 1 point
6. If your opponent is on “game point” then you get to serve (that way you never lose the game because of a muffed return)
7. If you served first in this game, then you will receive first in the next game
8. Switch ends each game
9. If you are in the last possible game of the match, then you switch ends after 1 player has scored 5 points (in a game to 11) or 10 points (in a game to 21)